Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Oxygen Thieves in the Community

28 August 2022
After seeing on the TV news tonight the oxygen thief/scum bag who held a little girls hands under running boiling water, it made my skin crawl and brought forth a barrage of abuse towards this piece of human waste . The law of farmer would be instigated if i had the opportunity, starting with a very blunt knife attacking certain parts of his atonomy. As this can't be done, I just hope and pray that that persons incarcirated were he will be, hopefully for a very long time, will carry out the necessary justice that won't be administered by the judical system that we live under.
And now we have another oxygen thief in our midst. Hurled a lump of concrete fatally injuring a young pregnant mother who has since died. What the heck scum bag is 17 so can't be charged as an adult. and will be retained in a juvenile detention centre so he won't come out better and probably worse. Lets hope that his next stay will be in a maximum security joint where the appropriate punishment will be dispersed time and again. These long termers have nothing to lose by belting the living daylights out of this kind of cretan
And now we have another oxygen thief in our midst. Hurled a lump of concrete fatally injuring a young pregnant mother who has since died. What the heck scum bag is 17 so can't be charged as an adult. and will be retained in a juvenile detention centre so he won't come out better and probably worse. Lets hope that his next stay will be in a maximum security joint where the appropriate punishment will be dispersed time and again. These long termers have nothing to lose by belting the living daylights out of this kind of cretan
This kid's gonna probably be beaten to death or permanent disability next time he goes back to prison. I think killing pregnant women is up there with kiddie fiddling.

But as a society we need to start scrutinizing the judges who let these kid out on bail and the lawyers of clients who breach bail conditions. Maybe a system where if 3 clients breach bail conditions you lose your ability to practice law forever.
This kid's gonna probably be beaten to death or permanent disability next time he goes back to prison. I think killing pregnant women is up there with kiddie fiddling.

But as a society we need to start scrutinizing the judges who let these kid out on bail and the lawyers of clients who breach bail conditions. Maybe a system where if 3 clients breach bail conditions you lose your ability to practice law forever.
Hello The Triangle
Perhaps the Judges should be brought to account also for some pretty pathetic sentences handed down. The parole Board should be made to account for some pretty dire mistakes, perhaps they should be locked up for the damage early releases have put upon the victims.
And now we have another oxygen thief in our midst. Hurled a lump of concrete fatally injuring a young pregnant mother who has since died. What the heck scum bag is 17 so can't be charged as an adult. and will be retained in a juvenile detention centre so he won't come out better and probably worse. Lets hope that his next stay will be in a maximum security joint where the appropriate punishment will be dispersed time and again. These long termers have nothing to lose by belting the living daylights out of this kind of cretan

Bloody hell, where did that happen. Haven't seen it in the news.
Sean the scum bag chucked a chunk of concrete through the car window and hit the lady in the head. She was on life support for a day, but the family decided against it and she died the next day, along with her unborn baby.
Unfortunately it was an incident here in a Perth suburb.
Thankfully it doesn't seem to be racially motivated, like the young bloke Cassius Turvey, who was killed last month in Perth.
Well at the moment it isn't being portrayed that way.
Good evening sptrawler Just hope that the scum bag gets his true come-upance inside the house of detention, because the spinless judiciary won't .
I guess you can get my drift that I am pretty upset by these goings on, This could have been mine or anyone elses daughter, granddaughter.
Unfortunately it was an incident here in a Perth suburb.
Have always been shocked how violent this place is, even back in the old days.

CBD after 5pm is like a war zone, and smells of urine the rest of the time.

Perth could be awesome, but successive Pollies refuse to address the problems down there
Good evening waynet,
many eons ago I worked in Perth in the newspaper industry, mainly on night shift. Used to stay clear of northbridge and take a long route to get home. Many unsavoury characters used to also hang around the No2 City of Perth car park where we parked our cars. Never used to traverse into the dim gloomy area without 1 or 2 others to be on the safe side.
Many an interesting occassions with would be car thieves being apprehended by us after midnight. Might relate a couple of them later on
Have always been shocked how violent this place is, even back in the old days.

CBD after 5pm is like a war zone, and smells of urine the rest of the time.

Perth could be awesome, but successive Pollies refuse to address the problems down there
Spot on Wayne, it has been 30odd years ago since we went into Perth for a night out and we only live 10km away. Australia's equivalent of the Bronx.
Ah sptrawler we are 40 ks out and Midland, which can be a bit much also is as far as we choose to go. Couple of good pubs for meals which are family friendly plus the food hall.
Seems to be a daily occurrence of oxygen thieves Australia wide. It's about time the birch or lash was brought back in. Singapore has the birch and Saudi Arabia chops of a hand of convicted thieves. Wouldn't think that too many would come back for more of the same. Pain is a great leveler.
Once again we have in our midst more these scum terrorising the residents of some suburbs in the burbs of Perth. Murders and stabbings. Seems to be getting more like the good 'ol US of A more and more.
CBD after 5pm is like a war zone
I won't criticise too harshly, since I've only been there once in my life, but I got the distinct impression that the only reason anyone goes into the center of Perth is for work or business.

Outside business hours it basically is dead and even as a first time visitor, there just isn't that much reason to be in the city itself. Go to the Mint, go to the place with the bells, go to the big park, take a few photos of the city skyline, now what? There's plenty to see in WA generally but very little of it's in central Perth.

That said, well it was in Adelaide on New Year's Eve where someone on a bus turned their head in my direction, coughed violently with no attempt to cover their mouth etc, and now I've got Covid. Personal views on the whole pandemic situation aside, with all that's been said about it personally I think that ought count as assault or damn close to it.

Suffice to say I'll stick to driving or walking in future. :2twocents
I won't criticise too harshly, since I've only been there once in my life, but I got the distinct impression that the only reason anyone goes into the center of Perth is for work or business.

Outside business hours it basically is dead and even as a first time visitor, there just isn't that much reason to be in the city itself. Go to the Mint, go to the place with the bells, go to the big park, take a few photos of the city skyline, now what? There's plenty to see in WA generally but very little of it's in central Perth.

That said, well it was in Adelaide on New Year's Eve where someone on a bus turned their head in my direction, coughed violently with no attempt to cover their mouth etc, and now I've got Covid. Personal views on the whole pandemic situation aside, with all that's been said about it personally I think that ought count as assault or damn close to it.

Suffice to say I'll stick to driving or walking in future. :2twocents
Good evening Smurf1976. I used to work in Perth over 40 years ago, rotating on day, inter and night shift. Didn't use public transport for my own safety, even though I was well and truly able to handle the knuckles if need be. We parked our cars in the No 2 car park and never walked to a vehicle alone. Always was then safety in numbers, especial coming off night shift which finished at about 1.30. Some pretty unsavory characters used to haunt these areas back then. haven't been into the city for many years and have no desire to do so, even less with Northbridge
Once again saw on the arvo Tv news a 1st people scum bag who stole a dirt bike from a private residence in the middle of th night, is now suffering and lamenting his actions by taking up valuable hospital bed space. His mother was mouthing off against the owner of the stolen bike, but she wasn't recognising that said scum bag was the thief. If he had kept his grotty hands to himself and off other people's belongings wouldn't be where he is now. Suffer I say.
If I have offended anyone, too bad, I have cause to believe in what I have said here.
Once again saw on the arvo Tv news a 1st people scum bag who stole a dirt bike from a private residence in the middle of th night, is now suffering and lamenting his actions by taking up valuable hospital bed space. His mother was mouthing off against the owner of the stolen bike, but she wasn't recognising that said scum bag was the thief. If he had kept his grotty hands to himself and off other people's belongings wouldn't be where he is now. Suffer I say.
If I have offended anyone, too bad, I have cause to believe in what I have said here.
I always found, teaching a youngster a bit of tough justice stood them in good stead in their older years.
My sons tell me their mates still talk about the time they egged my car and I switched the lights off down the road, then came back and grabbed them, then put them in the dog poo bag bin, it apparently took them a while to get out.
Funnily enough they stopped egging cars as they drove past the footy oval after that. ;)
I always found, teaching a youngster a bit of tough justice stood them in good stead in their older years.
My sons tell me their mates still talk about the time they egged my car and I switched the lights off down the road, then came back and grabbed them, then put them in the dog poo bag bin, it apparently took them a while to get out.
Funnily enough they stopped egging cars as they drove past the footy oval after that. ;)
The trouble is these days sptrawler there is no hard love dished out. I can still vividly remember giving a bit of lip to the local sergeant in Inglewood when i was an early teen. Unbeknown to me he knew my dad pretty well. Got a whack from both of them. And I wasn't going back for any more of that in a hurry.