Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

HCF - H&G High Conviction

27 June 2010
H&G High Conviction Limited is an active investment company managed by H&G Investment Management Ltd, an entity owned by Hancock & Gore Ltd (ASX:HNG).

The Company is aiming to provide its Shareholders with access to:
  • a highly experienced and active Manager with deep knowledge of Australian equities;
  • a concentrated portfolio of approximately 20 to 25 investments in ASXlisted micro capitalisation companies (with market capitalisations under $300 million at the time of the initial investment);
  • an actively managed, fundamentals-based investment approach with a focus on capital preservation, long-term capital growth and income from its investments; and
  • an Investment Team and a Board with significant experience in funds management, listed equities, alternative assets and corporate governance; and
  • the benefits of the LIC structure, which provides investors with liquidity, experienced corporate governance and the ability to pay fully franked dividends.
It is anticipated that HCF will list on the ASX during September 2022.

Listing date22 September 2022 10:30 AM AEST ##
Company contact details Ph: +61 2 8667 4600
Principal ActivitiesListed Investment Company
GICS industry groupTBA
Issue PriceNAV per Share as at 5.00pm (Sydney time) on the Closing Date
Issue TypeOrdinary Fully Paid Shares
Security codeHCF
Capital to be Raised$30,000,000
Expected offer close date06 September 2022
UnderwriterNot underwritten. Morgans Corporate Limited (Lead Manager).

...................... $30M isn't big. I might monitor for what they buy into, but the fees will be a killer, I'd suspect