Gold mining in the Bendigo region of Victoria, Australia.
Greater Bendigo Gold Mines Limited was admitted to the Official List of ASX Limited on
Friday, 23 February 2007.
Official Quotation of the following securities will commence at 11.00 am AEDT on
Monday, 5 March 2007.
33,109,583 ordinary shares fully paid, issued at 20 cents per share
12,424,433 options exercisable at 20 cents each on or before 31 December 2009
Greater Bendigo Gold Mines (ASX:GBM) reports the level 1 drive at the Maxwells Mine has achieved its next objective by intersecting the 1994 exploration rise above one of the rich areas of underground workings within the mine.
Initial grab samples have returned grades of 1,118 g/t, 12.5 g/t and 164.7g/t.
Sampling by Central Victorian Gold N.L. reported in the GBM June 2007 quarterly report described significant grades from the rise, hence the decision to push the underground mine at the new level 1 to this area.
Location pins for samples taken in 1998 have been identified, and the preliminary results received today are from initial grab samples taken close to the CVUG 62 PIN
Greater Bendigo Gold Mines Limited was admitted to the Official List of ASX Limited on
Friday, 23 February 2007.
Official Quotation of the following securities will commence at 11.00 am AEDT on
Monday, 5 March 2007.
33,109,583 ordinary shares fully paid, issued at 20 cents per share
12,424,433 options exercisable at 20 cents each on or before 31 December 2009
Greater Bendigo Gold Mines (ASX:GBM) reports the level 1 drive at the Maxwells Mine has achieved its next objective by intersecting the 1994 exploration rise above one of the rich areas of underground workings within the mine.
Initial grab samples have returned grades of 1,118 g/t, 12.5 g/t and 164.7g/t.
Sampling by Central Victorian Gold N.L. reported in the GBM June 2007 quarterly report described significant grades from the rise, hence the decision to push the underground mine at the new level 1 to this area.
Location pins for samples taken in 1998 have been identified, and the preliminary results received today are from initial grab samples taken close to the CVUG 62 PIN