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    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole replied to the thread US Election Thread.
      He deserves the flack for telling lies, acting like a spoiled child when he loses, stirring up mobs to attack the Capitol, and threating...
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole reacted to farmerge's post in the thread Two-way block with Like Like.
      I can't be bothered blocking anyone. If they have annoyed me or I am not interested in their views, then it is very easy to just bypass...
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole reacted to PZ99's post in the thread US Election Thread with Like Like.
      That video is in Haiti right ? No surprise there, but best placed in the zip file :) I do get the point about immigration etc. No...
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole reacted to mullokintyre's post in the thread US Election Thread with Like Like.
      Stop wasting your time boys. Its a pointless argument. No matter who winds, the status quo will not change. The milatary Industrial...
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole replied to the thread US Election Thread.
      What happened @wayneL ? Were your posts moderated out or are you taking the L?
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole replied to the thread US Election Thread.
      Standing up for crims now? How Socially sensitive of you. :roflmao: Your hero probably would have had them in chains until they dropped.
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole replied to the thread US Election Thread.
      Well, I'm not saying that Kamala is a godess, I'm sure she has her faults like anyone else. Lack of economic cred is one. But at least...
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole replied to the thread US Election Thread.
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole replied to the thread US Election Thread.
      By all means move on. What were your other points? That Trump is a moderate? Quite clearly incorrect.
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole reacted to wayneL's post in the thread US Election Thread with Haha Haha.
      "Incontrovertible" The fact that it appears on social media does not diminish the fact of the evidence presented. This is something...
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole replied to the thread US Election Thread.
      Sorry, I thought you were taking the P. :smuggrin:
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole replied to the thread US Election Thread.
      What's 'L' mean ? And are you really going to rely on social media as your 'incontravertable' source?
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole reacted to PZ99's post in the thread US Election Thread with Like Like.
      That's because it was BS. Trump said he saw it on TV that people had their dog eaten by the people that went there. That's the clip the...
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole replied to the thread US Election Thread.
      Inflation Reduction Act vs A Gigantic new tax on everything?
    • SirRumpole
      SirRumpole replied to the thread US Election Thread.
      Yes, but a person who thinks he can is obviously delusional.
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